Inside the Bid Process for the 2027 World Physiotherapy Congress with Tracy Bury

Why Guadalajara? Inside the Bid Selection Process for the  2027 World Physiotherapy Congress with Tracy Bury, Interim CEO of World Physiotherapy

A cobblestone street lined with trees leads to a domed building in the distance on a clear day.

Guadalajara, the newest destination to join BestCities Global Alliance, is celebrating a major bid win to host the prestigious World Physiotherapy Congress in 2027. The eighth BestCities member destination to host the biannual event, Guadalajara was selected through a rigorous bid process that evaluates a number of factors related to the potential host destination and the World Physiotherapy member organisation submitting the bid.

World Physiotherapy represents over 600,000 physical therapists worldwide through 128 member organisations. The organisation is focused on promoting the profession while advocating for universal access to services that improve health and wellness. Past World Physiotherapy Congresses have welcomed attendees from over 120 countries.

We spoke with Tracy Bury, interim CEO of World Physiotherapy, to learn what the organisation considers when selecting a host destination, how Guadalajara stood out from the competition, and ways associations and destinations can elevate legacy-building and sustainability to present a powerful bid. 

A person with curly gray hair and a colorful scarf smiles in front of a backdrop featuring clouds and a gradient sky.

Why was Guadalajara selected to host World Physiotherapy Congress 2027?

We were impressed by the preparation, organisation, and enthusiasm shown by AMEFI, our member organisation in Mexico, and the relationship they had established with Expo Guadalajara and the Guadalajara convention bureau (CVB). The venue is flexible and can be adapted to suit our requirements. Guadalajara CVB are well-connected and may be able to facilitate connections to other stakeholders and funding sources and in-kind support, which will help us deliver a successful congress.

Guadalajara and the region are easy to reach: the airport is well-connected nationally and to the US, which is key since many of our participants will travel through Mexico City or cities in the US. Mexico offers visa-free entry for approximately 70 countries/territories, and Guadalajara is considered one of the safest cities in the region.

It’s also easy to get around – there is an extensive network of buses and electric trains, and bikes are available to rent. Guadalajara offers a wide range of accommodations at different price points, and there are plenty of food and drink options. 

Two men ride bicycles on a tree-lined path, with one pointing ahead and both looking in the same direction. The scene is urban with greenery and colorful decorations in the background.

What does World Physiotherapy look for in a host city?

We follow a rigorous, thorough selection process to ensure all parties understand their roles, responsibilities, and expectations. Our selection criteria is comprehensive and the process can take up to 12 months. The selection process is outlined on our website

We consider a range of factors, including cost, accessibility, geopolitical issues, EDI, public transport, visa requirements, infrastructure, and accommodation. One challenge we take into consideration is visa requirements. For example, many delegates want to participate and travel from Africa and Asia, but they face more challenges obtaining visas than delegates in North America and Europe. We look for host cities that can make it easier for delegates from around the world to attend. 

A view of Guadalajara Cathedral with its twin gold spires and the Mexican flag in the foreground, all under a clear blue sky.

How important is legacy-building and a sustainable focus when it comes to selecting host cities for each congress?

We strive for sustainability across all our events, and legacy-building is a key aim for our congress. We look for sustainable solutions for registration, signage, exhibitions and catering, among other activities. 

For example, at our congress in Dubai in 2023, we collaborated with the Emirates Physiotherapy Society – our member organisation in United Arab Emirates – on an advocacy campaign, which resulted in the Dubai Health Authority approving direct access to physiotherapy for the local population. The congress acted as a catalyst for action. 

For Guadalajara in 2027, we look forward to collaborating with AMEFI on an advocacy campaign to make membership of AMEFI mandatory as a requirement to practice. AMEFI is the official regulatory body in Mexico, yet the government does not support mandatory membership. AMEFI has an entrance exam to join the association, and a committee that accredits university entry-level education programmes. AMEFI believes – and we support this – that mandating membership will strengthen the physiotherapy profession and improve the quality of physiotherapist services provided to people in Mexico.   

A person dressed in a white shirt and blue jacket stands with arms outstretched in the middle of an agave field with mountains in the background.

How does World Physiotherapy Congress leave a positive impact on a host destination?

We work closely with our member organisation in each congress location to build awareness and engagement with local populations.

In Dubai, we worked with local universities to create a programme of volunteer opportunities for students, and facilitated connections between our specialty groups and physiotherapists in UAE and the Gulf States to build relationships to improve health outcomes for people in the region. This resulted in the first national specialty group dedicated to women’s health, which was also able to join the international group. It has also positioned them to work with government health departments to advance physiotherapy in women’s health services. 

To learn more about Guadalajara as a global meetings destination, visit Guadalajara’s city page.